Transforming Union County with the
SPLOST Program

Discover how the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) program is enriching quality of life, enhancing public safety, and improving infrastructure in Union County, GA.

Union County SPLOST
Quality of Life

Improving Quality of Life Through SPLOST

The SPLOST program is transforming Union County, GA by enhancing public spaces, supporting community initiatives, and fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment for all residents.

Union County SPLOST Information
Union County SPLOST Information
Public Safety

Improving Public Safety in Union County

With the SPLOST program, Union County is becoming a safer place to live, work, and play. From updated emergency response equipment to enhanced community policing initiatives, SPLOST is used to ensure the well-being of Union County residents.


Improving Infrastructure Through SPLOST Investments

The SPLOST program is building and maintaining Union County's infrastructure, creating a better future for all residents.

Union County SPLOST Information

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Impact Projects


SPLOST Supports a Better Union County

SPLOST supports the vision for Union County, Georgia by investing in the infrastructure necessary to sustain economic opportunity, thus contributing to the community's goal of prioritizing education, supporting local businesses and institutions, and fostering prosperity and quality of life for its citizens.

Union County Vision Statement

Union County, Georgia is a hometown focused on its people, putting families first by celebrating its friendly, neighborly charm, providing a safe community, and investing in facilities and services that will provide the quality of life and opportunities for prosperity desired by its citizens.

Union County, Georgia is a rural community respectful of its history and natural beauty, recognizing the value of, and striving to preserve for generations, its mountain setting, its agricultural roots, and its Appalachian heritage.

Union County, Georgia is a community that supports its local businesses and institutions, prioritizing education, partnering with the City of Blairsville, and investing in the infrastructure necessary to sustain economic opportunity.

Union County, Georgia is a community dedicated to open and efficient governance, where residents feel welcome and vested in the well-being of their hometown through fair and bold government.

Reaching the Potential of Union County

Discover how the SPLOST program is enhancing quality of life, public safety, and infrastructure in Union County through tax contributions gathered mostly from tourism.

In Revenue for Special Projects
In Matching Funds from Grants
Union County SPLOST Information


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the SPLOST program in Union County, GA.

See All FAQs
How does SPLOST work?

The Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) is a program that allows counties to levy an additional sales tax for a specific period of time. The revenue generated from SPLOST is used to fund various projects and initiatives that benefit the community, such as enhancing the overall quality of life, enhancing public safety, and improving public infrastructure.

How can I get involved in the SPLOST program?

If you are interested in getting involved in the SPLOST program, there are several ways to participate. You can attend public meetings and hearings to voice your opinions and suggestions, join community organizations that advocate for specific projects or initiatives, and stay informed about upcoming SPLOST-related events and opportunities to provide input.

Are there any exemptions from SPLOST?

Certain items, like prescription medications and grocery food products, are exempt from SPLOST. The exemptions are consistent with the state's sales tax policies.

How long has SPLOST been in effect in Union County, and when is it renewed?

The duration of a SPLOST in Union County is typically five to six years, as mandated by state law. Renewal of SPLOST is subject to voter approval in a referendum, which typically occurs before the expiration of the current SPLOST.

Can SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) funds be used to support Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Union County, Georgia?

SPLOST funds are designated for specific capital projects and improvements as voters approve. According to the regulations governing SPLOST, these funds cannot be directly allocated to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operational expenses.

However, SPLOST funds can be utilized for capital expenditures within the Emergency Management Agency (EMA), a distinct entity focused on preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters and emergencies within the community. This can include infrastructure improvements, purchasing of emergency vehicles, and other capital projects that indirectly support the broader emergency response framework, including EMS operations.

The Union County Emergency Management Agency is a Local Emergency Management Agency

Understanding the SPLOST Process in Union County

Allocation Overview

Funds from the SPLOST program are allocated and used in Union County.

Public Safety

The SPLOST program contributes to enhancing public safety in Union County.


The SPLOST program improves infrastructure in Union County.

Quality of Life

The SPLOST program increases the quality of life for residents in Union County.