How SPLOST Works

SPLOST represents a democratic approach to local taxation and development, allowing communities to directly influence and benefit from specific improvement projects. Its success hinges on transparent management, effective communication, and alignment with the community's long-term vision.

Process Implementation

Voter Approval

SPLOST must be approved by a majority of voters in a local referendum. This ensures that the tax is levied only with the consent of the community.

Duration and Limit

The duration of a SPLOST is limited, often set to a maximum of five to six years, depending on the state laws. The tax automatically expires unless renewed by another referendum.

Project List

Before the referendum, the local government must prepare a specific list of projects that the SPLOST revenue will fund. This list must be shared with the public during the campaign for the referendum.

Collection and Allocation

Revenue Collection

SPLOST revenues are collected by the local government through the existing sales tax collection mechanisms.

Funds Segregation

The funds from SPLOST are kept separate from the general fund and other tax revenues to ensure that they are used only for the designated purposes.

Project Financing

SPLOST can be used to pay for projects outright, or it can be used to service debt incurred in financing large projects, allowing for immediate project commencement.

Project Planning and Execution

Project Prioritization

Local governments prioritize projects based on urgency, community impact, and other factors.

Public Involvement

Throughout the SPLOST period, the public is often involved in various stages of project planning and implementation. Regular updates and feedback channels are established for transparency.

Oversight and Management

A committee or designated public officials oversee the SPLOST program, ensuring that the funds are used as intended and projects are completed within budget and on time.

Challenges and Considerations

Equity and Fairness

There are considerations regarding the regressive nature of sales taxes and their impact on different segments of the population.

Long-Term Planning

Balancing immediate community needs with long-term infrastructure goals is crucial for effective SPLOST implementation.

Community Impact

Economic Impact

SPLOST can lead to improved infrastructure, which can attract businesses and boost local economies.

Quality of Life

Improved public facilities and infrastructure contribute to a higher quality of life for residents.


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the SPLOST program in Union County, GA.

See All FAQs
Are there any exemptions from SPLOST?

Certain items, like prescription medications and grocery food products, are exempt from SPLOST. The exemptions are consistent with the state's sales tax policies.

How can residents provide input on SPLOST projects?

Union County encourages resident participation through public meetings, community surveys, and direct communication with county representatives. Residents can attend Union County Commission meetings or contact the Commissioner's Office to express their views on SPLOST projects.

How does the County come up with projects for the SPLOST ballot/referendum?

The process for selecting projects for the SPLOST ballot in Union County involves a comprehensive and community-oriented approach. It includes the following key steps:

  1. Community Input and Needs Assessment: The County starts by gathering input from community members, local businesses, and key stakeholders. Public forums, surveys, and meetings are conducted to understand the community’s priorities and needs.
  2. Collaboration with Departments: Various County departments, such as transportation, education, public works, and emergency services, submit proposals for projects that require funding. These proposals are based on long-term planning, infrastructure needs, and community services enhancement.
  3. Feasibility and Impact Analysis: Each project proposal undergoes a thorough analysis to assess its feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential impact on the community. This includes evaluating the benefits, projected costs, and long-term sustainability.
  4. Prioritization and Selection: The County officials, often in collaboration with a committee or advisory group, prioritize the projects based on the community's needs, potential impact, and available funding. This process ensures that the most critical and beneficial projects are selected.
  5. Legal and Compliance Review: Before finalizing the list, each project is reviewed for legal compliance and alignment with SPLOST regulations. This step ensures that all projects meet statutory requirements.
  6. Drafting Ballot Language: Once the projects are finalized, the County drafts clear and precise language for the SPLOST ballot. This language is designed to be easily understood by voters, outlining the purpose and scope of each project.
  7. Public Awareness and Education: Before the referendum, the County undertakes an educational campaign to inform the public about the proposed SPLOST projects. This includes providing detailed information on how the funds will be used and the expected benefits to the community.

By following these steps, Union County ensures that the projects selected for the SPLOST ballot are in line with community needs and priorities, offering transparency and accountability in the use of taxpayer funds.

How can residents stay informed about SPLOST projects and spending?

Union County provides updates on SPLOST projects and spending through its website, local news releases, and public meetings. The county may also publish newsletters or annual reports detailing the progress and financial status of SPLOST-funded projects.

How can I get involved in the SPLOST program?

If you are interested in getting involved in the SPLOST program, there are several ways to participate. You can attend public meetings and hearings to voice your opinions and suggestions, join community organizations that advocate for specific projects or initiatives, and stay informed about upcoming SPLOST-related events and opportunities to provide input.

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