
SPLOST has a significant impact on quality of life, public safety, and infrastructure in Union County, GA.

Union County SPLOST Impact

Enhancing Quality of Life in Union County

In Union County, SPLOST is committed to improving the quality of life for residents. Through the SPLOST program, we have invested in various projects that enhance our parks, recreational facilities, and community spaces. These improvements provide the community with more opportunities for leisure, wellness, and social interaction.

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Revitalized Parks and Recreation Facilities

Our parks and recreation facilities have undergone significant transformations, offering state-of-the-art amenities and enhanced green spaces. Whether you're looking to enjoy a picnic with your family, go for a refreshing swim, or play a game of basketball, our upgraded facilities cater to all your recreational needs.

Community Projects that Make a Difference

Through the SPLOST program, we have implemented various community projects that greatly impact the lives of our residents. From the construction of new community centers to the improvement of existing infrastructure, these projects contribute to a thriving and connected community.

Promoting a Vibrant and Active Lifestyle

With our focus on quality of life, we aim to create an environment that promotes a vibrant and active lifestyle. The SPLOST investments in parks, recreational facilities, and community projects encourage physical activity, social engagement, and overall well-being.

Improving Infrastructure for a Better Community

The SPLOST program is dedicated to enhancing the infrastructure of Union County. Through road improvements, utilities upgrades, and public works projects, it is committed to creating a better community for all residents.

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Road Improvements

SPLOST prioritizes the maintenance and expansion of our road network to ensure safe and efficient transportation for everyone.

Utilities Upgrades

SPLOST invests in upgrading our utilities infrastructure to provide reliable services to homes and businesses.

Public Works Projects

SPLOST undertakes various public works projects to enhance the overall quality of life in Union County.

Transforming Communities Through SPLOST Funding

SPLOST has funded projects to support the quality of life, public safety, and infrastructure in Union County.

In Revenue for Special Projects
In Matching Funds from Grants
Union County SPLOST Program

The Impact of SPLOST

SPLOST is a proactive way to contribute to the betterment of the community without significantly impacting residents' personal finances.

SPLOST funds are used for specific projects, such as improving roads, upgrading public safety facilities, and enhancing recreational areas. These projects directly benefit the community by improving the quality of life and public services.

By funding infrastructure and community projects, SPLOST can attract new businesses and support existing ones, fostering economic growth and job creation in Union County.

SPLOST is a sales tax, not a property tax. This means everyone, including visitors and non-residents who shop in Union County, shares in the tax burden. This approach lessens the financial impact on our residents alone.

SPLOST funds are designated for specific projects approved by voters. This ensures transparency and accountability, as the government can only use the funds for these voter-approved purposes.

SPLOST is not a permanent tax. It is implemented for a set period, usually five years, providing a finite funding source for essential projects without a long-term tax commitment.

Because SPLOST funds are collected and utilized within a specific timeframe, the community can see the benefits of their contributions relatively quickly.

Impact Projects

Without SPLOST funding, we would not have buildings like this. This is a great opportunity for the community and it brings in revenue and people come to play golf and they stay in our town.

Union County's Gem: The Community Center

People do brag about it. They walk in here and they're blown away that this is just nestled up here in our county and that you go in, you walk into our bathrooms, and you just feel like you're in a hotel, a five-star hotel.

Union County's Gem: The Community Center

Meeks Park is an incredible place that helps make the quality of life in Union County second to none.

Discover the SPLOST Impact

Explore the impact of SPLOST projects on the residents of Union County, GA.

Union County SPLOST Impact


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the SPLOST program in Union County, GA.

See All FAQs
What projects are funded by SPLOST?

The projects funded by SPLOST vary depending on the needs and priorities of the county. Some common projects include road and bridge improvements, park and recreation facility upgrades, public safety equipment and facilities, and community development initiatives. The specific projects are determined through a collaborative process involving community input and the county government.

How long has SPLOST been in effect in Union County, and when is it renewed?

The duration of a SPLOST in Union County is typically five to six years, as mandated by state law. Renewal of SPLOST is subject to voter approval in a referendum, which typically occurs before the expiration of the current SPLOST.

What are the benefits of SPLOST for Union County residents?

SPLOST provides significant benefits, such as funding for infrastructure improvements, enhancements to public facilities, and development of community projects. These improvements can lead to a higher quality of life, better public services, and increased property values.

Will the need for SPLOST ever go away?

The Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) is a financing method for funding capital outlay projects in the county. It's important to understand that the need for SPLOST is closely tied to the ongoing development requirements of our community. As Union County continues to grow and evolve, there will always be a need for new infrastructure, improvements, and community enhancements. These can include roads, bridges, public facilities, parks, and emergency services equipment.

While it's conceivable that the specific projects funded by SPLOST may change over time, the fundamental need for a funding source like SPLOST is likely to persist. This is because infrastructure and community needs are continuously evolving. SPLOST allows for these essential projects to be funded without increasing property taxes, making it a vital tool for sustainable community development.

While the specific needs and projects may vary over time, the need for a funding mechanism like SPLOST to support the growth of our community infrastructure is expected to continue as long as our community keeps growing and evolving.

How can residents provide input on SPLOST projects?

Union County encourages resident participation through public meetings, community surveys, and direct communication with county representatives. Residents can attend Union County Commission meetings or contact the Commissioner's Office to express their views on SPLOST projects.

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SPLOST Supports a Better Union County

SPLOST supports the vision for Union County, Georgia by investing in the infrastructure necessary to sustain economic opportunity, thus contributing to the community's goal of prioritizing education, supporting local businesses and institutions, and fostering prosperity and quality of life for its citizens.

Union County Vision Statement

Union County, Georgia is a hometown focused on its people, putting families first by celebrating its friendly, neighborly charm, providing a safe community, and investing in facilities and services that will provide the quality of life and opportunities for prosperity desired by its citizens.

Union County, Georgia is a rural community respectful of its history and natural beauty, recognizing the value of, and striving to preserve for generations, its mountain setting, its agricultural roots, and its Appalachian heritage.

Union County, Georgia is a community that supports its local businesses and institutions, prioritizing education, partnering with the City of Blairsville, and investing in the infrastructure necessary to sustain economic opportunity.

Union County, Georgia is a community dedicated to open and efficient governance, where residents feel welcome and vested in the well-being of their hometown through fair and bold government.