Public Safety

SPLOST projects are enhancing protection and emergency response in Union County, GA.

Union County SPLOST Public Safety

Improving Public Safety for Our Community

The SPLOST program is making a difference in public safety by funding crucial projects and providing enhanced emergency response facilities and equipment.

Enhanced Emergency Response Facilities and Equipment

Through SPLOST funding, Union County has been able to upgrade its emergency response infrastructure, including the construction of advanced fire stations and the acquisition of state-of-the-art firefighting equipment. These improvements significantly reduce response times to emergencies, ensuring quicker and more effective assistance to residents in need. Additionally, SPLOST has facilitated the procurement of new, technologically advanced police vehicles and equipment, enhancing the capabilities of law enforcement to maintain public safety efficiently.

Upgraded Roads and Traffic Systems for Safer Commutes

SPLOST investments in Union County's transportation infrastructure have led to the renovation and expansion of critical roadways, reducing traffic congestion and minimizing the risks of accidents. These projects include widening roads, improving intersections, and installing modern traffic signals. Better roads not only facilitate smoother commutes but also ensure that emergency vehicles can navigate more effectively during critical responses, thereby improving overall public safety.

Union County SPLOST Public Safety
Without SPLOST funding, we would not have buildings like this. This is a great opportunity for the community and it brings in revenue and people come to play golf and they stay in our town.

Union County's Gem: The Community Center

People do brag about it. They walk in here and they're blown away that this is just nestled up here in our county and that you go in, you walk into our bathrooms, and you just feel like you're in a hotel, a five-star hotel.

Union County's Gem: The Community Center

Meeks Park is an incredible place that helps make the quality of life in Union County second to none.


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the SPLOST program in Union County, GA.

See All FAQs
Does Union County have any Tier One projects in SPLOST?

No, Union County has not designated any Level One projects. While some of the Union County SPLOST projects have been eligible to be designated as Level One projects, the county did not designate them as such in the ballot question or the IGA documents.

How can I get involved in the SPLOST program?

If you are interested in getting involved in the SPLOST program, there are several ways to participate. You can attend public meetings and hearings to voice your opinions and suggestions, join community organizations that advocate for specific projects or initiatives, and stay informed about upcoming SPLOST-related events and opportunities to provide input.

Are there any exemptions from SPLOST?

Certain items, like prescription medications and grocery food products, are exempt from SPLOST. The exemptions are consistent with the state's sales tax policies.

How does Union County plan for the next SPLOST?

When planning for the next Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) in Union County, a comprehensive and community-oriented approach is adopted. The process involves several key steps:

  1. Community Engagement and Feedback: Union County actively seeks input from residents, business owners, and community groups to understand their needs and priorities. This could involve public meetings, surveys, and outreach programs.
  2. Assessment of Needs: The County assesses the current infrastructure, facilities, and services to identify areas that need improvement, expansion, or new development. This includes evaluating roads, public safety facilities, parks, and community centers.
  3. Prioritization of Projects: Based on community feedback and needs assessment, the County prioritizes projects. This prioritization considers factors like urgency, impact on community welfare, cost-effectiveness, and long-term benefits.
  4. Budget Planning and Financial Analysis: The County conducts a detailed financial analysis to estimate the cost of proposed projects and the expected revenue from SPLOST. This step ensures fiscal responsibility and effective allocation of resources.
  5. Collaboration with Local Entities: Union County collaborates with local municipalities, schools, and other governmental entities to align SPLOST projects with broader community goals.
  6. Transparency and Accountability: The County commits to transparency throughout the SPLOST planning process. Regular updates and reports are provided to the public, detailing how funds are being used and the progress of ongoing projects.
  7. Adoption of a SPLOST Resolution: Finally, the County adopts a SPLOST resolution, which includes a detailed list of projects and the estimated cost for each. This resolution is then presented to voters for approval.

Through these steps, Union County ensures that the SPLOST is planned in a way that aligns with the community’s needs and priorities, supporting a robust and sustainable growth for the County.

What types of projects are funded by SPLOST?

The Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) is a funding mechanism for a variety of capital outlay projects within Union County. As outlined in O.C.G.A. 48-8-111, the scope of SPLOST is broad yet specific, focusing on long-term capital projects that benefit our community. Here are some key areas where SPLOST funds can be utilized:

  1. Infrastructure Development: This includes roads, bridges, public transportation systems, and other critical infrastructure needs. SPLOST helps ensure our County's foundation is strong and capable of supporting our community's growth and well-being.
  2. Public Safety Enhancements: Funding from SPLOST maintains and improves our County’s public safety facilities and equipment. This encompasses fire stations, police stations, emergency vehicles, and other necessary resources to keep our community safe.
  3. Recreational and Cultural Facilities: SPLOST can also be allocated toward the development and improvement of parks, recreational centers, libraries, and cultural facilities. These projects enhance the quality of life for all Union County residents by providing spaces for leisure, learning, and community engagement.
  4. Educational Facility Improvements: Although primarily managed by separate educational SPLOSTs (E-SPLOST), SPLOST funds can sometimes be directed to support educational infrastructure, ensuring our schools are well-equipped and conducive to learning.
  5. Environmental and Public Health Projects: SPLOST funds can also support projects aimed at protecting our environment and promoting public health, such as water and sewer system upgrades, waste management facilities, and public health centers.

It is important to note that SPLOST funds are strictly regulated and can only be used for capital outlay projects, not for operational expenses or maintenance. The projects funded by SPLOST are decided through a transparent process, involving public input and careful planning to ensure they meet the long-term needs of our community.

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