Replacing the Fisher Field Road Bridge with a Cost-Effective Solution

Just off Russell Scenic Highway, about a quarter mile down, Fisher Field Road crosses the Nottely River. Until recently, residents relied on an old bridge to connect them to their homes. It was the only way in and the only way out for dozens of households.

The Crisis

In the fall of 2023, the State of Georgia condemned the old bridge. However, they wouldn’t agree to pay for its replacement, which would have left the residents stranded. Faced with this dilemma, Union County had to act quickly.

SPLOST Funds to the Rescue

Thanks to funds from the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST), Union County devised a plan. They first constructed a temporary bridge. However, it wasn't long before a flood caused it to cave in, necessitating repairs. A permanent solution was needed—and fast.

A Creative and Cost-Effective Solution

Since the State wouldn’t fund the new bridge, Union County officials collaborated with engineers to devise a creative solution. The goal was to construct and install a new bridge far less expensively and more quickly than similar State-led projects.

"This site was very difficult because you've got the river that we've got to cross," an engineer explained. "The bridge was failing. It had to be very quick in construction time. This entire process was handled in about five months from design through construction, which is almost unheard of."

The Modular Bridge Installation

To prepare for installation, crews imported concrete footings for the new bridge. The final step was to set the modular bridge in place. On a stormy day, under a tornado watch, the bridge arrived in two segments.

Crews used two large excavators, which attached their arms to each end of the bridge, lifted it off the truck, and carefully maneuvered it down the steep hill, across the temporary bridge, and over to the footings on both sides of the river.

A Remarkable Feat

Despite the challenging conditions, the entire installation process took only a few hours, and the whole project cost approximately $600,000. Compared to the years of construction time and millions of dollars typically required for similar projects, this was a remarkable achievement.

Union County’s quick and cost-effective solution showcases excellent stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Plus, since SPLOST funds financed the project, the burden didn't have to fall completely on local property owners' tax bills. The residents of Fisher Field Road now have a permanent bridge, ensuring their continued access to their homes, all thanks to innovative engineering and SPLOST funds.

Efficient and Cost-Effective

Fisher Field Road Bridge Timeline

The entire installation process took only a few hours, and the whole project cost approximately $600,000, compared to the years of construction time and millions of dollars typically required for similar projects.

October 2023

Union County hires Carter Engineering for the due diligence review.

November 2023

Union County hires Geo-Hydro Engineers to perform the geotechnical evaluation.

November 2023

Union County hires Sheats Structural Consulting for the initial structure observations and conceptual design.

December 2023

Contech Engineered Solutions presents Union County with the Big R modular bridge option.

December 2023

Carter Engineering provides the scope of services to Union County.

December 11, 2023

Union County accepts the modular bridge quote from Contech Engineered Solutions.

December 21, 2023

Contech Engineered Solutions submits bridge drawings to Union County.

December 22, 2023

Geo-Hydro Engineers provides the geotechnical report to Union County.

January 4, 2024

Carter Engineering prepares the temporary construction easement conceptual design.

January 26, 2024

BM&K provides Right of Way (ROW) acquisition services.

February 29, 2024

Geo-Hydro Engineers performs materials testing and special inspections.

February 29, 2024

Square Deal Enterprises submits the pricing proposal to Union County.

March 2024

The ROW donation paperwork is signed on parcels.

April 2024

Union County awards the bridge installation contract to Square Deal Enterprises.

May 9, 2024

Contech Engineered Solutions delivers the modular bridge, and Square Deal Enterprises installs the bridge within only a few hours, providing residents of Fisher Field Road with a new permanent bridge to access their homes.