Celebrating Union County's Commitment to Seniors

Celebrating Union County's Commitment to Seniors Through SPLOST

Union County, nestled in the heart of Georgia, shines as a beacon of care and community for its senior residents. The cornerstone of this commitment is the Union County Senior Center, a vibrant hub of activity and support for those aged sixty and above. This center, and the services it offers, stands as a testament to the county's dedication to honoring and supporting the generation that paved the way for us.

A Home Away from Home

The Union County Senior Center, supported significantly by SPLOST funds, is more than just a building; it's a community and a second home for many seniors. Here, residents over sixty find a plethora of activities tailored to their interests and needs. From wellness activities to social gatherings, the center is a place where seniors can stay active, engage in creative pursuits like sewing and painting, or enjoy a friendly game of pool.

But perhaps the most crucial aspect of the center is its role in providing socialization opportunities. In a stage of life where loneliness can be a significant issue, especially for those who have lost spouses or live far from family, the Senior Center offers a much-needed space for connection and companionship.

Meals on Wheels: Nourishment Beyond Food

Union County's dedication extends beyond the walls of the Senior Center, reaching into the homes of those who need it most through the Meals on Wheels program. This initiative, operated out of the center, delivers around 500 meals weekly to seniors in the community. This service is vital not just for its nutritional value but also as a form of welfare check for seniors who might otherwise be isolated.

A Testament to SPLOST's Impact

The Senior Center's existence and its expansion were made possible through the strategic use of SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) funds. These funds were instrumental in matching a grant that facilitated the original expansion and renovation of the facility. This prudent use of SPLOST funds highlights how such initiatives can enhance community life without placing an additional burden on local homeowners' property taxes.

The Legacy of Our Elders

Union County's approach reflects a deep respect for the elder generation. The Senior Center and its associated services are not just amenities; they are a tribute to those who have contributed significantly to our society. By supporting and enriching the lives of our seniors, we acknowledge their invaluable contributions and ensure they continue to lead fulfilling lives.

In Union County, we recognize that everyone needs someone. Through facilities like the Senior Center and programs like Meals on Wheels, we're not just offering services; we're building a community that values and cares for each of its members, no matter their age. As we look to the future, let's remember the foundation our seniors have laid for us and continue to support them, just as they have supported us throughout their lives.

Efficient and Cost-Effective

Fisher Field Road Bridge Timeline

The entire installation process took only a few hours, and the whole project cost approximately $600,000, compared to the years of construction time and millions of dollars typically required for similar projects.

October 2023

Union County hires Carter Engineering for the due diligence review.

November 2023

Union County hires Geo-Hydro Engineers to perform the geotechnical evaluation.

November 2023

Union County hires Sheats Structural Consulting for the initial structure observations and conceptual design.

December 2023

Contech Engineered Solutions presents Union County with the Big R modular bridge option.

December 2023

Carter Engineering provides the scope of services to Union County.

December 11, 2023

Union County accepts the modular bridge quote from Contech Engineered Solutions.

December 21, 2023

Contech Engineered Solutions submits bridge drawings to Union County.

December 22, 2023

Geo-Hydro Engineers provides the geotechnical report to Union County.

January 4, 2024

Carter Engineering prepares the temporary construction easement conceptual design.

January 26, 2024

BM&K provides Right of Way (ROW) acquisition services.

February 29, 2024

Geo-Hydro Engineers performs materials testing and special inspections.

February 29, 2024

Square Deal Enterprises submits the pricing proposal to Union County.

March 2024

The ROW donation paperwork is signed on parcels.

April 2024

Union County awards the bridge installation contract to Square Deal Enterprises.

May 9, 2024

Contech Engineered Solutions delivers the modular bridge, and Square Deal Enterprises installs the bridge within only a few hours, providing residents of Fisher Field Road with a new permanent bridge to access their homes.